Florida Department of Transportation officials have announced plans to remove a controversial guardrail system from roads and highways around the Sunshine State. The X-LITE system of guardrails was removed from the state’s approved product list back in 2018, but officials are finally working to remove and replace them along local roads. “This occurred after the Lindsay Corporation failed to adequately address concerns regarding the performance of the product,” FDOT spokesperson Steve Olson told reporters.
Defective Designs, Dangerous Consequences
Like most guardrails, the X-LITE is designed to collapse under the weight of crashing cars. Unfortunately, the design doesn’t always work as intended. Officials say the guardrail ends sometimes become separated from the rest of the system, spiking and skewering vehicles as they collide. A number of wrongful death lawsuits have been filed by families of victims lost in guardrail accidents. The Lindsay Corporation maintains that their product is safe.
Removal Solutions
While FDOT says they have not had problems with the X-LITE around the state, the brand’s reputation in other parts of the country have spurned on the removal of the guardrails. Families in Tennessee, Maryland and South Carolina have all filed lawsuits against the company responsible for the X-LITE. While removal may cost millions of dollars in the short term, the process may save countless human lives. Of course, the act of identifying the X-LITE on local roads may take some time. X-LITE guardrail end terminals have so far been removed from Martin and Brevard counties. As the federal investigation into the Lindsay Corporation continues, more guardrails will inevitably be removed and replaced.
Seriously Injured in an Accident Involving a Guardrail?
Our Guardrail Injury Lawyers are currently investigating serious and fatal guardrail accidents related to malfunctioning or improperly installed guardrails. If you or a loved one were injured in an accident with a guardrail, contact our attorneys to discuss your legal options. We offer a free, no obligation, consultation.