Virginia Guardrail Crash Tests Begin This Week

The Virginia Department of Transportation has announced a new round of crash testing will begin this week. The tests will help to determine if Trinity Industries’ ET-Plus guardrail is safe enough to remain on Commonwealth roads. The guardrail design in question has been the focus of much contr...

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Virginia Suing for Guardrail Fraud

Virginia Suing for Guardrail Fraud

The Commonwealth of Virginia has become the first state to launch a lawsuit against dangerous guardrail maker Trinity Industries. The guardrail in question, the ET-Plus, is likely on thousands of Virginia roads and highways, though VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) admits they have not do...

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Despite Controversy, Guardrail Passes Tests

Despite Controversy, Guardrail Passes Tests

Despite Controversy, ET-Plus Guardrail Passes Safety Tests The final results of the Trinity Industries crash tests are in: all eight received passing scores from the Federal Highway Administration. The eight tests utilized guardrails of two different heights, one measuring 27 3/4 inches, one 31 inch...

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Guardrails To Be Removed from Virginia Roads

Guardrails To Be Removed from Virginia Roads

Plans to remove a potentially deadly highway safety devices from Virginia roads are underway. reports that the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) announced these plans via a letter from the state’s chief engineer. The decision comes following controversy associated with...

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